"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_Move" "Hey, you! Dragon Knight! Over here!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_MoveHow" "<font color='#EE0000'><b>Right Click</b></font> to move where you want to go. Move to the highlighted location!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_MoveCam" "Head north, across the bridge!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_MoveCamHow" "You can move the camera in several ways:n- <font color='#EE0000'><b>Move your mouse</b></font> to the edge of the screen.n- With the <font color='#EE0000'><b>%+forward% %+moveleft% %back% %+moveright%</b></font> keys.n- By holding down your <font color='#EE0000'><b>Middle Mouse button</b></font> and dragging."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_Warning" "We could use your help! Our old Dire enemy <font color='#EE0000'><b>Razor</b></font> is attacking the outposts. <font color='#EE0000'><b>Keeper of the Light</b></font> already went after him. He said to send you along when you showed up."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_Attack" "Attack this Dire creep by <font color='#EE0000'><b>right clicking</b></font> on him."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_AttackWave" "Whoa, incoming creeps! Help with the defense, Dragon Knight!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_Camp" "Okay, Dragon Knight, follow us to the watchtower. No doubt more of those Dire creeps are on the way!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CampLevel" "Hey, you gained a level! Feels good, don't it?"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CampLevelHint" "Click the <font color='#EE0000'><b>LEVEL UP</b></font> button above your portrait and select your first skill, <font color='#EE0000'><b>Breathe Fire</b></font>."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CampInvade" "Something's coming! Quick, DK, cast Breathe Fire on that creep!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CampUseBreath" "Hit your <font color='#EE0000'><b>%dota_ability_execute 0%</b></font> key to starting casting <font color='#EE0000'><b>Breathe Fire</b></font>, and then <font color='#EE0000'><b>Left Click</b></font> on an enemy to target it!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CampFinish" "Nice. That's why you're a hero and we're just creeps. We'll hold this watchtower. Press on and find Keeper of the Light, so you can team up to fight Razor."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_ShopAttract" "Ah, Dragon Knight! A true hero!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_ShopOpen" "Greetings, my friend, and welcome to my shop! Hit <font color='#EE0000'><b>%toggleshoppanel%</b></font>, or click the <font color='#EE0000'><b>SHOP</b></font> button to browse my wares! Allow me to make a few recommendations. For you, I suggest a Healing Salve and perhaps, hm, yes...a Stout Shield. I believe you have just enough gold to afford them."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_BuyShield" "<font color='#EE0000'><b>Right click</b></font> on the <font color='#EE0000'><b>Stout Shield</b></font> to purchase it. The <font color='#EE0000'><b>Stout Shield</b></font> can be found under the Armaments tab."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_InspectShield" "The <font color='#EE0000'><b>Stout Shield</b></font> is a passive item, you do not need activate it to gain its benefit. <font color='#EE0000'><b>Mouse over</b></font> the shield in your inventory to view its bonuses.nnPurchase the <font color='#EE0000'><b>Healing Salve</b></font> when you're ready to proceed. It can be found under the <font color='#EE0000'><b>Consumables tab</b></font>."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_UsePotion" "I see you've been fighting already. You might want to use that Salve right now. Healing Salves are <font color='#EE0000'><b>Active Items</b></font>, so you need use them on a target. <font color='#EE0000'><b>Left-click</b></font> on the Salve in your inventory to get a targeting cursor, then <font color='#EE0000'><b>left-click</b></font> on yourself to drink it."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_PostPotion" "Be careful while that salves works its magic. If you take any damage, the healing will stop!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_BuyClarity" "Buy a <font color='#EE0000'><b>Clarity</b></font> potion too. It'll be useful on your adventure by allowing you to quickly regenerate mana over time.nnLike the Healving Salve, the regeneration will be cancelled if you take damage while it's doing its work."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_UseClarity" "Now use the <font color='#EE0000'><b>Clarity</b></font>. Instead of clicking on it, try hitting <font color='#EE0000'><b>%!item_clarity%</b></font> to use it - each inventory slot has a key assigned to it. Hitting <font color='#EE0000'><b>%!item_clarity%</b></font> twice will immediately use it on yourself.nnAfter using it, you'll see the regeneration buff in the active effects area above your healthbar. You can mouse over a buff icon to see a complete description of the effect it's providing."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_GoCreepingFollow" "Since you ask, I spotted a fresh den of Kobolds in the woods to the south. There's a fair bounty on their heads! Follow me!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_GoCreeping" "Well done, my friend. Now, I have another item here that would be perfect for the battle ahead, but you'll need to earn a bit more gold first. Roquelaire, where might our knightly friend find some lucrative work for his sword?"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CreepingLevel" "You've earned another level! Click the <font color='#EE0000'><b>LEVEL UP</b></font> button and select <font color='#EE0000'><b>Dragon Blood</b></font>. This skill increases your armor reducing damage done by enemy attacks and improves your health regeneration."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_GoldEarned" "You've earned enough gold Dragon Knight! Return to the merchant when you're ready to proceed."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_CreepingAllDead" "Well done! You've earned enough gold and destroyed the Kobold threat. Return to the merchant and see about that new item."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_BuyGauntlets" "You're back! And with fresh coin from dispatching Kobolds. It is my pleasure to offer you an excellent repeat customer price on these <font color='#EE0000'><b>Gauntlets of Strength</b></font>."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_BoughtGauntlets" "I have more fine items for you, good knight. But as before, you will need more gold."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitIntro" "There's a <font color='#EE0000'><b>Circlet</b></font> in the shop to further boost your attributes. I spotted a battle to the west where we can earn enough gold to purchase that <font color='#EE0000'><b>Circlet</b></font>."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitHowTo" "In battle with others, you need to get the <font color='#EE0000'><b>Last Hit</b></font> on a creep to earn bonus gold."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitReminder" "Remember you only earn gold from getting the <font color='#EE0000'><b>Last Hit</b></font> on a creep!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitFollow" "This way!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitGold185" "Well done, you've earned enough gold for the <font color='#EE0000'><b>Circlet</b></font>. Let's return to the merchant!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitCirclet" "Welcome back! Buy the <font color='#EE0000'><b>Circlet</b></font> to further boost your attributes. Move your mouse over the attributes next to your portrait below to see the benefits from higher attributes."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitBracer" "Surely you'll need more before you face Razor though. I'd recommend some <font color='#EE0000'><b>Bracers</b></font>.nnBracers are an <font color='#EE0000'><b>Upgraded Item</b></font>, which requires one or more items and a <font color='#EE0000'><b>Recipe</b></font>. Return when you've earned 190 gold and I'll show you what you need to do."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitAgain" "Back to the battle!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitAttack" "Moving to cancel an attack is a good way to timing a <font color='#EE0000'><b>Last Hit</b></font>."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitGold190" "You've earned enough gold to buy the <font color='#EE0000'><b>Bracers</b></font>! Return to the merchant when you're ready."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitRecipe" "You return! Some items are crafted using other items. In this case, you own the <font color='#EE0000'><b>Circlet</b></font> and <font color='#EE0000'><b>Gauntlets</b></font> which can be crafted into <font color='#EE0000'><b>Bracers</b></font>nnOpen the shop and click <font color='#EE0000'><b>Upgrades</b></font>. <font color='#EE0000'><b>Left-click</b></font> on the <font color='#EE0000'><b>Bracers</b></font> to display all the required items to craft the bracer."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitRecipeBuy" "The items required for the Bracers show up near the bottom of the shop window. You already have two them so all you need is the <font color='#EE0000'><b>Recipe</b></font> which can be purchased automatically by right-clicking the <font color='#EE0000'><b>Bracer</b></font>. You can also buy the recipe directly."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_LastHitComplete" "Your <font color='#EE0000'><b>Circlet</b></font> and <font color='#EE0000'><b>Gauntlets</b></font> have been consumed to create the upgraded <font color='#EE0000'><b>Bracer</b></font>, which will provide a greater attributes bonus, and free up space in your inventory."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_UltBegin" "Those <font color='#EE0000'><b>Bracers</b></font> provide a good attributes bonus but we need one more thing to face Razor, and that's your ultimate ability, <font color='#EE0000'><b>Elder Dragon Form</b></font>."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_UltLevelReq" "There's more Dire creeps this way we can get some experience from. Continue gaining experience until you've reached <font color='#EE0000'><b>level six</b></font>."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_DragonTail" "Your level 5! Choose your <font color='#EE0000'><b>Dragon Tail</b></font> skill, and try it out on some creeps. It's a short ranged <font color='#EE0000'><b>Stun</b></font> that'll make it easy for you to deal with enemy Heroes."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_UseDragonTail" "Hit your <font color='#EE0000'><b>%dota_ability_execute 1%</b></font> key to starting casting <font color='#EE0000'><b>Dragon Tail</b></font>, and then <font color='#EE0000'><b>Left Click</b></font> on an enemy to target it!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_UltLevel" "That'll do it! Level up and choose <font color='#EE0000'><b>Elder Dragon Form</b></font>."
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_RazorBegin" "Razor is coming, I can feel it in the air... Use your <font color='#EE0000'><b>Elder Dragon Form</b></font> and defeat him!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_RazorIncoming" "Here he comes!"
"DOTA_Tutorial_M1_RazorDead" "You've defeated Razor!"
Rizzrak - NOOO!
Как же я ненавижу этого героя и его регенерацию. Как по мне, слишком он жесткий -_-
У меня одного ничего не обновилось?
У меня тоже дота не обновлялась
скока можно говорить, что сначало в дота тест добавляют а потом в саму доту, на следующий день)
Сегодня четверг, не?
А разницу в часовых поясах учесть? ;)
А когда сделают заметным эффект от радика и активации бма? Занимаются всякой ерундой, а очевидных вещей исправить не могут. В доте всегда было видно когда радик включен, в доте 2 не видно толком почти ни на 1 гере, особенно если играешь за какую-нибудь черную бобриху, а вокруг тебя бегает какой нибудь сикер в инвизе и жжет тебя радиком. Анимация бма тоже убога, в замесе 5х5 шанс разглядеть что кто-то врубил это арт стремится к нулю.
Попробуйте одеть очки и вероятно ауру радика наконец разглядите. Я вот очки ношу и мне все прекрасно видно.
Один из самых анбалансных героев на мой взгляд. Я его вообще обожаю.
Собрал арканку, вангуард и давай овнить))
zsmj негодует
Bastion Озвучка - вот это радостно. Послушать бы как сделали-то.
FallenStar, спасибо за дополнение.