HoradriCCup #2: General rules and info (English)
Опубликовано пользователем Хорадрик

В связи с наплывом иностранных участников и стримеров на наш турнир, публикуем правила и основную информацию на английском.
HoradriCCup #2 is open-access StarCraft II: HotS tournament by horadric.ru.
* Registration on horadric.ru is not required.
Update and changes 2
- Tournament chat channel: group HoradriCCup chat channel (new feature from Blizzard: link runs SC2 HotS and enters to group chat; agree on request) In this chat room you will confirm your participation (check-in) from 15:00 till 15:45 CET.
- You should report match results AFTER EACH GAME to the referees using private chat with one of following referees (see list below) - Right Click on referee, Chat
Rules 3.2. update: In bo3 and bo5 matches map is chosen in two phases.Phase 1: Required amount of maps (3 or 5) are chosen by excluding. Player that is higher in standings is the first one to exclude a map.Phase 2: First map is chosen from the remaining maps by excluding. Following maps are selected by «loser pick» from the maps chosen in phase 1. Maps can't be repeated in the same series of matches.
- Horadric - Horadric.780 - main referee
- FlyDragX - flydragx.693 - final match referee
- Zikkurat - Zikk.318 - 3rd place match referee
You should report match results to the following referees:
- Recstar - Safiron.824 (games А1-16, B1-B8, C1-C4)
- TheArchyk - TheArchyk.549 (games А17-А32, B9-16, C5-C8)
- Rinski - Rinski.487 (games А33-А48, B17-B24, C9-C12)
- Zikkurat - Zikk.318 (games А49-А64, B25-B32, C13-C16)
Additional referees:
- Toscana - Toscana.575
- Wraith - Wraith.842
Update and changes
- Regisration END is expanded till 15:00 CET.
- Confirm Participation changed to 15:00 CET - 15:45 CET.
- If there are any problems with game speed, the game should be replayed.
- 1/64-1/8: Before the beginning of each match the host-player should report beginning of it to "HoradriCCup" chat channel like this: "[match number] [player1 name]-[player 2 name] begins" Example: "A13 Horadric - FlyDragX begins". After the report you should wait 1 minute for streamers. Host-player should invite the streamer. You will be able to find list of official streamers below. If streamer asked for a few minutes for his current game to end, then players should wait for streamer. 1/4 of the finals should be hosted by a referee, so everything about streamers is going to be up to him.
- 1/64-1/8: After the end of EVERY game both players should report to "HoradriCCup" chat channel about results of the game like this: "[match number] [player1 name]-[player 2 name] [results]". For example: "A13 Horadric - FlyDragX 1:0" or "A13 FlyDragX - Horadric 0:1". 1/4 of the finals should be hosted by a referee, so everything about streamers is going to be up to him.
- There should be no flood, offtop or things like this in "HoradriCCup" chat channel! If you have any question you ask a referee about this. List of referees will be posted later.
- Reminder: the tournament starts on 16:00 CET.
Tournament day: 2013-01-05
Registration END: 14:00 CET
Confirm Participation: 14:00 - 15:00 CET channel "HoradriСCup"
Tournament starts : 16:00 CET
You can register HERE
See Brackets and yours opponent HERE
- 1st place $100
- 2nd place $50
- 3rd place $25
- Experience and FUN!
<Akilion Wastes>
<Cloud Kingdom LE>
<Daybreak LE>
<Howling Peak>
<Newkirk City>
<Antiga Shipyard>
<Entombed Valley>
<Korhal City>
<Star Station>
- 1/64 - 1/8: Best of 1
- Quarterfinals: Best of 3
- Semifinals: Best of 3
- Finals: Best of 5
- You have to follow these rules and updates to them that may be added later.
- If there are some problems that are not mentioned in the rules, it's up to referee to decide. Referee is always right :)
- Each player should be reasonble and polite to rivals and referees. Bad behavior may be a reason for a penalty up to a tournament disqualification.
- Each player should be available for his rivals and referees during the tournament. Referees should be noted about long periods of unavailability.
- Each player should be in the chat channel "HoradriСCup" during the tournament.
- If there will be too many players, managers have the right to weed out the weakest players based on their in-game stats.
- Up to 1/8 of final included one the players should be the host. Although any referee can be the host too or the player can transfer the host right to a referee.
- Games up from 1/4 of the finals without a referee should be replayed (except for the cases allowed by a referee).
- The host can start the game if both players are ready. If there is a referee in the game, the game can only be started after referee's confirmation.
- If the host selected a wrong map, the game should be replayed with the right map. Wrong map should be reported withing the first minute of the game.
- If one one of the players have some sort of troubles during the game, the game should be paused.
- In bo1 matches the map is selected by removing up to 1 map. The first one to remove the map is the player that is higher in tournament standings.
- In bo3 and bo5 matches the map is selected by removing maps up to required quantity, The first one to remove is map is the player that is higher in tournament standings. Following maps are selected by «loser pick» from the whole map pool.
- Maps in one series of bo3 and bo5 matches cannot be repeated.
- Players should report match results to a referee. Both the winner and the looser should report the result. If there are any conflicts you should provide a replay file to referee.
- Replays are not required to save, althought you should keep in mind that they may be required during any conflicts.
- If there is a disconnect in the first four minutes of the game, the game should be replayed with the exception of cases. if there was any combat during the first four minutes.
- If there is a disconnect after the fourth minute of the game, it's up to remained player to decide whether or not the game should be replayed. In any case, the referee should be noted.
Technical loose can be applied in the following cases:
- If a player is late for the match for more than 15 minutes without noting the referee.
- If there is no Battle.net name in the profile or there is no other way of finding this player.
- Any kind of cheating, like maphack or other 3rd party software, are forbidden and users who use them are not allowed in the tournament and gonna be banned.
Referees and official streamers
- Referees and official streamers can join any game. Players shouldn't resist it.
- If an observer starts to "lag" player have the right to kick him out of the game. Referees and official streamers shouldn't resist beign kicked from the game because of lag.
- You can become an official streamer by contacting tournament managers.
- Managers provide official tournament logo for official streamers and players, who would like to stream their games. You can download it here. Logo easily integrates with any UI of any race.
Skype: horadric.ru
Official streamers list
- Malakay - Team Lavo - http://www.twitch.tv/malakhay
- EmSc2tv - http://www.twitch.tv/emstarcraft - name in HotS: Emil
- LightRA - horadric.ru - http://horadric.ru/stream/lightra - name in HotS: Invasion
- Louren - sc2tv.ru - http://sc2tv.ru/content/horadriccup-2-so-hots
- Na`Vi_Hireling - Na`Vi - http://www.own3d.tv/live/18269 - name in HotS: NaViHireling
- imba.KingCobra - imba - http://goodgame.ru/channel/KingCobra/
- Peptar - EmpireTV - http://www.empiretv.org/peptar
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