Interview with Gazillion Entertainment - March 2014
Опубликовано пользователем Crypto137

Hey there, English-speaking readers! Recently we managed to get an interview with the creators of Marvel Heroes, Gazillion Entertainment. With the help of Brand Manager Michael Lee and Community Manager Ryan Collins (a.k.a. Ryolnir) we got the answers to the question we were interested in.
Интервью на русском языке доступно здесь. / Russian translation of this interview is available here.
Is Marvel Heroes ever going to be localized in Russian?
- We are actually in the process of more localization. We have a lot of Russian players and Russian is definitely one of the top priority languages!
Will you add support for the cyrillic fonts (and possibly some other exotic fonts) in the chat?
- Yes this is something we are definitely planning to coincide with Russian localization! Unfortunately I cannot give a specific date at the current time, but we do know that there is a great deal if interest in Marvel Heroes from the Russian community.
Are there any stats on who are the most popular heroes (not counting starters)?
- Iron Man, Deadpool, Spider-Man, Wolverine, and Hulk are the most popular Heroes.
Are there any plans to implement an alternate advancement system in Marvel Heroes? Something like the Paragon System from Diablo III or the Legacy System from Star Wars: The Old Republic.
- We've been discussing plenty of different systems internally that could be our answer to those systems - you'll have to stay tuned!
Are you going to add new prestige levels and rewards for the insane players out there?
- No solid plans at this time, but we've talked about at least one more additional prestige level.

Will there be a hardcore mode?
- Ha - we're on a roll with these. It's low-priority at this time as it will take a lot of design iteration to make a system that fits our game perfectly. We've received a lot of different ideas for ways we could handle this, but there are many ways to do it that are a good fit for Diablo and not a great fit for our game.
What kind of improvements can we expect for supergroups in near future?
- Message of the Day for supergroups is definitely coming, in addition to other new features and quality of life changes that should make supergroup leaders' lives much easier.
Do you have any S.T.A.S.H. improvements in mind? Something like renamable tabs and customizable icons would be nice.
- We'd love to do this at some point, but the current focus is getting performance improvements out the door so we can get more S.T.A.S.H. tabs to those who have been waiting.
Latverian Crypt is pretty cool. Do you guys plan to explore more Diablo-esque settings in future?
- We agree - that's one of our favorite treasure rooms. We don't have any plans for that type of zone in the near-term, but we have some very cool things coming.
Why is there no shawarma unique?
- Good point. Seems more like an artifact though. ;)
Hope you folks enjoyed reading this interview. See you later!
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